Ignatian Assignment


The Spirit of Father Ignatius in today’s world

- V. Antony Michael Raj, S.J.



United in heart :


            When Father Ignatius was in Barcelona, he had some companions. Polanco tells us,  “Starting from Barcelona, He began to gather men to accompany him in fulfilling his plan to help to reform the faults which he saw in the service of God; they would be like trumpets of Jesus; and there were four companions…” When He wanted to study further He told them that He would go first and arrange place for them. Here Father Ignatius imitated his Master Jesus. Jesus tells his Apostles, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places… I am going to prepare a place for you. (Jn14: 2).” When Father Ignatius left the group, slowly they began to scatter.


          When Father Ignatius was in Paris. He stayed with two students that are Faber and Xavier. As the time passed He inspired them for the Greater Glory of God (AMDG). He gave them spiritual Exercises. Gradually He won the hearts. Faber wrote in one of his letters about Father Ignatius, “Eternally blessed be all this that Divine providence arranged for my good and for my salvation. For after providence decreed that I was to be the instructor of the holy man, we conversed at first about secular matter then about spiritual things. Then followed a life in common in which we two shared the same room, the same table, and the same purse. As time passed he became my master in spiritual things and gave me a method of raising myself. In the end we became one in desire and will and one in a firm resolve to take up that life we live today…”


Another companion, Francis Xavier, in one of his letters to his brother, he wrote about his meeting with Ignatius. “In order that your grace may clearly know what a great favour our Lord had done to me by having me come to know Master Ignatius. I give you my word of honour through this letter that I shall never as long as I live, be able to repay the great debt which I owe him, both for his having frequently assisted me in my needs with money and funds, and for having been the reason why I abandoned some evil companions who I, though lack of experience did not recognize…I do not know when I can ever repay Master Ignatius for this alone that he was the reason why I did not converse or have any dealing with persons who outwardly appeared to be good but were inwardly full of heresies, as has been shown by their works.”


          In Paris, the first companions understood each other well. This group grew in number and even when Father Ignatius left them they did not leave like Barcelona friends. Because Ignatius won their hearts, he gave them the Spiritual Exercise and lived with them. They all cared for each other. Thus he chose his first companions.




 Each wanted to serve the Lord. They wanted to follow their Master Jesus. Father Ignatius was an instrument to reach their goal. They all lived and taught the charism of Ignatius i.e. “Human beings are created to praise, reverence, serve God our Lord and by means of doing this save their souls.” (SE 23). Do all for the greater glory of God, this MAGIS level we can see the life of first companions.


One of the companions of Xavier wrote to Ignatius about Francis Xavier, “He does the things with such fervor and ran from place to place that he seems to set mountains ablaze with the fire of his charity.” All of the first companions wanted Ignatius as the General of the new Society. Ignatius did not want to be the General because he wanted to serve as a poor servant. But his Spiritual Father advised him to accept the post. Another companion, Xavier came to India as a papal representative, but he did not stay in a palace. He ran from place to place setting every heart on fire. Faber too went to different places to give the spiritual exercises. Ignatius wrote in one of his letters that no one could give spiritual exercises the way Faber gave.


Friends in the Lord:


When I live with the charism of Ignatius, I am too a part of companions of Ignatius. When I find God in all things and all things in Him, I follow the principle of Ignatius (SE 230).

The first companions came from different countries and spoke different languages, but they were living as one family. They lived and cared for each other. My companions too come from different parts of our country and different cultures. When I respect others’ languages and cultures I accept persons as they are. It leads me to have a feeling of belonging to one body. We may have different opinions about things, but when I understand them and their points of view then I will be living a man of community.


Today’s Mission:


We are sent on mission by the Father as were Ignatius and the first companions at La Storta, together with Christ, risen and glorified but still carrying the cross, as he labours in the world yet to experience the fullness of his reconciliation.”  (GC 35 Decree 3:16) Yes we are sent on a mission. The First fathers stood by the Pope and reformed the Church. GC 31 reemphasized the aspect of the holy obedience to the Holy Father.


GC 31:11 says, “Today, however, our Society, along with the whole Church, finds the conditions of human history profoundly changed. The members themselves share in the contemporary, “Social and cultural transformation”…And the new ways of living the charism for the people and among the people.” He talks about the transformation of the time with the charism of Ignatius and experience the fact that a keener sense of liberty has developed and that there is more universal desire for the ‘full and free life’. The true charism of Ignatius was captured back, “From this love for Christ, the Society offers itself completely to the Church in these needs, so that the supreme Pontiff as the Vicar of Christ may send all its members into the vineyard of the Lord.” (GC 31:15)


In response to the Vatican II, the GC 31 has striven with all its power so to promote the renewal that those things may be removed from our body which could constrict its life and hinder from fully attaining its end, and that in this its internal dynamic freedom may be made strong and vigorous, and ready for every form of service of God.” GC31: 15.



 Poverty in the Society of Jesus:


            Fr.Arrupe’s letter on poverty really challenges me. In this world many people are not even sure of their one meal. But in my life as a Jesuit I have no problem in having everything. Whatever may happen but my meals are ready on time.  But sometimes I’m not satisfied.  And othertimes I think 'this is mine so nobody should touch this'...etc. Yes I left everything and entered the society. So whatever I have, all belong to the society. Then How have I become self-centered?  Fr. Arrupe said rightly that unless I remove my self-centered mentality I cannot give peace to my companions or community. By practicing the vow of poverty I should be an inspiration for others.  My life should be an example for them to follow the poverty of Jesus.




            As father Ignatius puts it “ It is no small grace that the Divine Goodness gives us when it gives us the opportunity of actually tasting what we should always desire, if we are to be conformed to our model Jesus Christ”. I feel I belong to the family of Jesuits. Each and every member of the society is my brother. When I have a real encounter with God then I will treat others as myself. Unless I experience the love of Jesus, I can’t be a good committed Jesuit. 




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